Sunday, October 9, 2011

Surprise Visitor

Imagine my surprise when I pulled back the drapes of the sliding glass door on the first morning I was at the Cape this past August (the week after Hurricane Irene) and this guy was sitting there, having a very Zen-like moment!  At first I wasn't sure what it was, but, as my eyes adjusted, it quickly dawned on me that it was indeed a fox.  He was not alone.  His companion joined him within a few minutes and they each sat and observed the early morning awakenings as I watched them. I watched thinking that this was a truly unique experience, took some pictures and wondered how long they'd be out there (and where their den was...).  After a bit, a Great Blue Heron swooped in and landed on the jetty just beyond the seawall and they perked up.  Off they went, but they did not bother the heron.  It was the only time I saw them that week.  Lucky me!

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