Earlier this spring, I came upon a really great deal for Smith & Hawken outdoor table and chairs through a major retail chain store (of which shall remain nameless, as I don't wish to "endorse" them by mentioning their name). I thought it was one of their limited "boutique" opportunities. As it turns out, it wasn't. The Smith & Hawken company no longer exists and did not manufacture the beautiful line of products I thought I was purchasing. The company [Smith & Hawken] was purchased by a major fertilizer and bug spray company in 2004, hoping to attract the millions of people who were spending millions of dollars in the garden-lifestyle industry. In 2010, the Smith & Hawken "brand" was purchased by the major retail chain I purchased the table and chairs from this past spring. Delivery was free if items purchased were ordered during this "limited and special deal."
Given the state of the boxes that were delivered (while I was not home), and my naïveté about the Smith & Hawken "brand," I guess this is where the saying "buyer beware" applies.
The results when directions are not followed and care isn't taken...
I knew the importance of taking pictures of the damaged boxes and products as I was not home to note the damages on the delivery paperwork, or refuse delivery all together. I called customer service immediately to alert them about the damage and see what my options were.
"Sorry miss, but our inventory is sold out and we will not be getting anymore of this product this season."
Yes, it was a very polite person reading from a script in an outsourced call center. It's not their fault that they get pulled into this very controversial issue and debate.
My options?
#1: I could return the chairs (not just the broken chair, as they were sold in sets).
I queried, "I must not be the only customer who received broken merchandised, and was it possible that other people returned sets of this chair and that you might have those available for replacement?" Silence, then, "No, miss, that is not possible." If only it was that simple; I forgot I was dealing with a major retail store. No, they weren't available. At this point, I'm surfing the internet to see if I can order the chairs directly from Smith & Hawken. You know what's coming, right? That's when I discovered they are only available through the store I just purchased them from....Arrgh!
#2: Keep the chair.
"Okay, but what am I going to do with a broken chair? The set looks odd with the table and three chairs." " Well, you could have it repaired." At this point I'm thinking: no kidding, I can have it repaired, but why are you making me, the client, drag a realistic solution out of you?... Because that's part of the disconnect between big chain stores and their customers--there is no customer service. Silly me, I forgot! It has now become our responsibility to problem solve and find a solution or live with the poor results and dissatisfaction. Additionally, I find it particularly frustrating that they can't keep track of returned items in their warehouse system.
After much-a-do, and conditions I had to explicitly define, it was agreed that I was going to see if I could find a woodworker who could repair the broken chair. If it was possible to repair the chair, I would keep the chair and get a full refund for the chair. If it wasn't possible to repair the chair, I would return the entire set, including the table, for a full refund. Repackaging would also have to be done by the company responsible for picking up the table and chairs.
Fortunately, I knew just who to call and he is most definitely a person whose work I would endorse!
Work I would most definitely endorse!
His name is Joseph Duclos. He's a master woodworker who does beautiful work and I am very grateful that he was able and willing to fix the chair in such a timely manner, given that it was a small job.
Check out his website to see the type and quality of work that he does. Maybe you have a project that you'd like to have done or know someone who does. I'm positive you'll be more than satisfied with his professionalism, talent and friendly manner--all qualities that we need to endorse and support in this ever-changing world we live in.
Check out his website to see the type and quality of work that he does. Maybe you have a project that you'd like to have done or know someone who does. I'm positive you'll be more than satisfied with his professionalism, talent and friendly manner--all qualities that we need to endorse and support in this ever-changing world we live in.
Just in case anyone is wondering....
I can honestly say that I was not paid to make this endorsement, and did not receive any special pricing or service for my endorsement. I paid for the repair. This post was my idea. I asked Joe, after he completed the work, if he minded that I write about the experience and share his information. It is my way of endorsing a business that I feel is worthy of letting other people know about. I have nothing to gain financially from this post.